The FSC administers the following enactments and regulations in the Cook Islands:
The Commission Financial Supervisory Commission Act 2003 Financial Supervisory Commission Amendment Act 2003
Financial Legislation Amendment Act 2012
Financial Supervisory Commission (Qualifications of Compliance Officer) Regulations 2004 Banks Banking Act 2011 Banking Amendment Act 2012
Banking Amendment Act 2013
Banking Amendment Act 2015
Banking Amendment Act 2019
Banking Amendment Act 2020
Banking (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2014
Digital Register Digital Registers Act 2011 Foundations Foundations Act 2012 Foundations Act 2012 (Forms)
Foundations Amendment Act 2013
Insurance Insurance Act 2008 Insurance Amendment Act 2009 Insurance Amendment Act 2011 Insurance Amendment Act 2012
Insurance Amendment Act 2019
Insurance Regulations 2009
Insurance Amendment Regulations 2014 Insurance Amendment Regulations 2019
Insurance Code 2010
Notice to Amend the Insurance Code 2010
Captive Insurance
Captive Insurance Act 2013
Captive Insurance Amendment Act 2019
Captive Insurance Regulations 2013
Captive Insurance Amendment Regulations 2014 Money-changing & Remittance Businesses Money-Changing and Remittance Businesses Act 2009
Money-Changing & Remittance Businesses Amendment Regulations 2014
Trustee Companies Trustee Companies Act 2014
Trustee Companies (Due Diligence) Regulations 1996
Trustee Companies Regulations 2014
Trustee Companies Amendment Regulations 2014
International & Foreign Companies International Companies Act 1981-82
International Companies Amendment Act 2007
International Companies Amendment (No.2) Act 2007
International Companies Amendment Act 2013
International Companies Amendment Act 2015
International Companies (Forms) Regulations 1982 International Companies (Prescribed Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2014
International Companies (Removal of Tax Exemption) Amendment Act 2019
International Companies (Removal of Tax Exemption) Transitional Provisions Regulations 2021 Limited Liability Companies Limited Liability Companies 2008
Limited Liability Companies Amendment Act 2013
Limited Liability Companies (Forms) 2008 Limited Liability Companies (Prescribed Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 International Trusts International Trusts 1984 International Trusts Amendment 1985 International Trusts Amendment 1989 No23 International Trusts Amendment 1989 No31 International Trusts Amendment 1991 International Trusts Amendment 1995-96 International Trusts Amendment 1999 International Trusts Amendment 2004
International Trusts Amendment 2013
International Trusts (Forms) Regulations 1985 International Trusts (Prescribed Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2014
International Partnerships International Partnership 1984 International Partnership Amendment 1999 International Partnership Amendment 2004
International Partnerships Amendment 2013
International Partnership (Forms) Regulations 1985 International Partnership (Prescribed Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2014
International Relationship Property Trusts
International Relationship Property Trusts Regulations 2022
International Relationship Property Trusts 2021 No 14
Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility
Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility 2021 No 15
The provisions relating to fees are summarised under Prescribed Fees.
While every effort is made to ensure that this legislation is up-to-date, due to small changes frequently being made, no guarantee can be given about its current status. All enquiries as to statutes, regulations and other statutory instruments should be directed to the Clerk of the Parliament of the Cook Islands who will be able to provide copies of legislation in accordance with Parliament's conditions of access and supply.
Contact details are as follows:
Parliamentary Services Clerk PO Box 13 Nikao Rarotonga Cook Islands Phone: (682) 26500 Fax: (682) 21260 Email:
@Copyright 2011 FSC Cook Islands
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