Money-Changing & Remittance Businesses
Licensed money-changing businesses:
* 4xCube Limited
Licensed money-changing and remittance businesses:
* Deriv (CI) LLC
* Jetsave Cook Islands Limited
Licensed remittance businesses:
* Telecom Cook Islands Limited (trading as Vodafone Cook Islands)
* Smartie Group Ltd
Supervision of Money-changing and Remittance Businesses
All Money Changing & Remittance Businesses operating in the Cook Islands are subject to the provisions of the Money Changing & Remittance Businesses Act 2009. It is an offence for an unlicensed person to carry on money changing and remittance business in the Cook Islands.
Applications for a money-changing and/or remittance business licence should be lodged with the Commission as per the Money Changing & Remittance Businesses Act 2009
and the prescribed forms available here: Prudential Statements, Guidelines & Forms